
Well, what’s been happening? I’ve just been working away on some other projects that have been on the back-burner due to TheBigProject? I was working on.

Helped my friend Daryl get a site up and running for the new outdoor concrete skatepark being built in Dundee. DundeeConcrete.com is the address, it’s another site based on my Blog engine so it’s good to get another site using it. The site has some construction progress shots on it which is the main reason for using the Blog engine for it.

My friend Alyn has just started VideoBlogging on his Blog site too, so go and check that out, the first episode is about a trip to Texas he and his wife AJ made recently. Pretty interesting, plus Alyn plans to end each one with a card trick! Check it out. We’re planning on getting a vBlog together soon to so watch this space!

For the geeky bit today I present Microsoft’s poor attempt to be cool and innovative, MicrosoftGadgets.com. As Apple said in 2004, “Redmond, start your photcopiers“!!!

Well, that’s about it for now, I’ll end with a picture of my beautiful daughter on the day she got new shoes!

Yay! New Shoes!

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